Monday, December 8, 2008
one small step...
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan is continuing to conduct raids on targets linked to the outlawed group that India blames for last month's massacre in Mumbai.
Indian authorities say the sole surviving gunman from the attacks claimed he was trained by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba.
A Pakistani military official said 15 people were arrested in the raid but he would not identify any of the suspects until the preliminary investigation has concluded.
Look a these countries! All grown up and cooperating!! proud!
peace and love friends!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas is coming incredibly fast, it is just around the corner and if not currently, than soon to be on all our minds. I have been trying throughout the last couple years to make my Christmas more sustainable. More “green” for lack of a better word.
There is a really good website if you would like to know how I am planning on doing this:
But really, it means… I am knitting. A lot! Making scarves for cousins, potholders for grandmas, canvas bags for others, basically anything that I can make myself is one less thing that I have to buy from a store. I am trying to make all of my Christmas cards, to which some of you will see examples when you get one in the mail. These kinds of things are important, and I think are small steps we can do for the big picture in trying to make our world a better place in the future.
Think about it!
peace and love.
so i have this slight obsession with books. even though i rarely have time to read, as much as i love it. one of my favorite things is independent used book stores (think powells in a 20×20 room), especially the ones that have dollar piles. it’s like a treasure hunt. in a small book store in sheridan one april afternoon this year i found a tolstoy book for .75 cents. it made my heart very happy. i have this horrible habit of starting like 3 or 4 books and taking FOREVER to finish any of them. The current ones i have started are:
Three Cups of Tea
Tolstoy on civil disobdience and non-violence
out of the silent planet
paradise lost
all of which are mostly dense readings. i also have my list of ones i want to read for the first (or eleventh) time. and my list of those books that i have yet to get my hands on. i can honestly say that i have read maybe half of the books currently on my shelves. which is slightly sad when i think about the amount. so yeah… long story short, my goal is to read more.
you should too. we can read together under a tree :)
peace and love.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
i forget to come, with the expectation of meeting Christ. i don’t think about the worship i will experience if i by chance get an opportunity to attend service, i do not think about how our pastor’s sermon will affect my day or week, and how God will affect my life. I need to come with exectation. And I need to come with hope... because hope is the absolute expectation of coming good.
peace and love to you.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
be here now- ray lamontagne
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies
Don't let your soul get lonely child
It's only time, it will go by
Don't look for love in faces, places
It's in you, that's where you'll find kindness
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall
Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now
Monday, September 29, 2008
is what i am doing right now.
it is one of the last warm days before fall, and i am taking advantage.
sitting outside of a coffee shop that i rode my bike too. barefoot and drinking copious amounts of coffee. reading ancient english literature. it really does not get much better than this.
this post has no point, but really, neither does this blog. :)
love you all,
peace and joy to you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
1. profound dedication; consecration.
2. earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc.
—Synonyms 2. zeal, ardor. See love.
there is this church. I work at this church, or realistically, I teach and I learn at this church. What I do does not seem like a job. I have dance parties, play with play-doh, become the lava monster, and I have the opportunity to see the face of God in so many beautiful children. As we speak I can hear them down each end of the hall. A pre-schooler who I love dearly (not that I don't love all of them dearly) made my morning with the gasp of excitement and a running tackle of love. This is why what I do is not work. However, this is nowhere near my point. As you have seen above, this is about devotion. There are 4 key values that our church has been striving to achieve as of lately. Devotion is the last one on the sermon list (certainly not least of course) but it is placed on the list with things of equally great importance. Worship, Community and Serving. Devotion, being in the word, is probably the value and spiritual discipline that I struggle most with. How convenient that just yesterday I started my first devotional. My life has been changing significantly these past couple months, going to places that are so far from the heart of God, it has been a constant prayer that I would be stronger in my faith to stay close to God through these changes. Of course God has been more faithful than I ever could have imagine. Devotion is something I have been working on and feel that (although I will always be deepening my faith) this might be what makes my faith mature.
This last week I had a conversation with a very dear friend of mine who I had not seen since she got married in July. It started out as just a normal coffee date... "how has school been?" "what's new?"... you know... as we sat there in a nearly empty cottage, we began to talk about faith. We asked questions of each other, her being a life long Christian and myself only about 5 years. I am constantly curious to know what it would have been like to grow up in a Christian home to know the stories from practically infancy. I learned the entire story of Jonah from seeing the veggietales movie in high school. My faith is a mis-matched tapestry of so many denominations and influences throughout the past five years. She asked me about my views, and how they differed from people my age who grew up in Christian households. And I think they are different, not that I am more open minded or more liberal, although I think i am compared to some. But that, in not nessisarily a bad way, it might be harder for people who learn about God in their adult life to see or hear him because they have gone so long without Him. This is why devotion is important, I am learning to see and hear God, what He wants for me and my life, and how He wants me to glorify Him. I may not be close, but I striving and learning to have a profound dedication to the creator of my life.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
(dancing in the car... to the pussycat dolls.)
I am a complete and total dork.
there is a point to this i swear...
so today i was watching tv and this dove commercial came on. maybe you've see it. a little girl overwhelmed by a world of advertisements with unnaturally skinny girls. the commercial is for a workshop to show girls how beautiful they are and how to love themselves. so i decided in the most least conceded way possible to tell you what i love about myself. so here it is.
as previously stated (see above), i am a dork, all the time. if you ever think i am normal. wait about 30 seconds.
i love that sometimes, without people realizing it, I am really like dark and twisty inside (grey's anatomy reference) and they i can be completely filled with joy in a matter of a second. (and yes... i think that this might make me emo.)
i love that i am the epitome of portland oregon. (and that i spelled epitome right on the first try)
i love that i am addicted to coffee.
that i am mysterious, and that maybe only one human being knows anything close to everything about me. (love you laura!)
that God has set me apart :)
i absolutely love that i can relate better to a 4 year old that to people my own age.
that i am learning to seize the opportunities in life that God gives me, both big and small.
sometimes, i am a little sketchy.
...basically, God made me the way I am, and I could be happier. I may still be learning to love all my little quirks, but they are me, in every way, shape and form.
you should love yourself too.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Moving back home was hard, I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to leave again, and since my family drives me a little bit nuts, I was needless to say concerned. But, moving home was my only option so I did it. The first couple weeks of being at home was so incredibly stressful, not with my family really but knowing that I wasn't going to go back to Fox and figuring out how to tell them that was a different story. It also meant I had to figure out something else to do this next year which was a little bit of an unfamiliar thought. It was not easy having the conversation with my mom, some people would think I was throwing away the past three years of my life. That was not how I saw it. The past three years at fox has made me the person I am today and I would not have traded it for anything. It was decided that I would start at PCC this coming school year, and so we began the process.
July began with the 4th in St.Paul. For those of you that don't know, I work in St.Paul, and they have a big rodeo every year on the fourth. I had been planning on quitting my job there for a couple months, but I decided to do it after the fourth since it is our biggest business day of the year (ps. as of now i still work there, but i am being worked out). it was a really exciting day and an awesome way to kick off
oh dear me. All summer there has been so much drama in my extended family, and being as I live 200 miles away, I only get to hear about it and not see it. That changes in August. The second week in august is always the Douglas County Fair, and it is always a family event. With cousins in 4-H (Which I did till late high school) we get to stay at the fair all week. It is actually pretty fun, the cold (if any) showers, the massive amount of bad food, and the smells of all the animals. I pretty much live for it. And as much as my family and I don't see eye to eye, I love them and love being able to spend more than a day or so with them. It was a little dramatic, but I won't bore you with details. I spent most of the time with my cousin and her husband (which is totally exciting all on it's own, cause she is pregnant, and due on my birthday, and we are close so it makes me practically an aunt!). yeah, so august = drama. Not to mention it being super hard. Starting in the middle of august all of my friends started going back to school, including everyone at fox, which was probably the first time I was a little sad I was not going back. It also made me realize that I don't really have a life or many friends in beaverton. My life, for the
I realize this is getting long, so if you decided to skim, this is probably the most important month (FYI). This has been the hardest month in a really long time. If ever. And it isn't even over yet. I have never constantly prayed so much in my life. But there has been so much that I have needed to give to God and it still continually surprises me how faithful He is (because being Human and broken, I apparently don't learn the first time). He has been there through my relationship with my family and others, and through my brother starting college (He moved to PSU yesterday.... yikes!). He has been with me through tragedy after tragedy and even in my own stupid mistakes. Right now, I think He is guiding me to India. I am not positive, but God seems to be taking care of everything that would be holding me back (funny how that happens when you are supposed to do something). I continue to learn more and more about Him everyday, and that gives me a shining moment of peace in a whirlwind of Chaos. Even if sometimes the Chaos is a little fun.
Hopefully, I will remember to keep whoever reads this updated. But updating to no one is fine too. Sometimes I think this is more for me than anything. Things should be getting even more interesting. But I'll let you know.
Peace and blessings.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
six. a reflection of a year gone by.
five. revisited.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
1. i have no life, being a full time student with two jobs will do that to you
thus 2. i do not feel like i am saving the world, which is pretty much my most important life goals (out of many)
3. i am not going to thailand
4. i am, however, going to malawi (that's in africa...yes i have had some people ask)
5. as of last friday i am now 21 years old and i have still not have had alcohol... now mostly just to drive people nuts
6. barack obama... need i say more?
7. i am also going to mexico, for spring break... how college of me? yeah right.
8. I may have narrowed down my future plausible careers to politics or economics... but i am me, therefore i guarantee you it will change
i am sure there would be more updates to think of, but as of late my mind stops working after 10 pm, oh well.
peace friends. happy 2008