live simply. so others can simply live.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


so... update? i'm not sure there is a need for one, but it has been a while since i have posted so i'll give it a shot.

1. i have no life, being a full time student with two jobs will do that to you

thus 2. i do not feel like i am saving the world, which is pretty much my most important life goals (out of many)

3. i am not going to thailand

4. i am, however, going to malawi (that's in africa...yes i have had some people ask)

5. as of last friday i am now 21 years old and i have still not have had alcohol... now mostly just to drive people nuts

6. barack obama... need i say more?

7. i am also going to mexico, for spring break... how college of me? yeah right.

8. I may have narrowed down my future plausible careers to politics or economics... but i am me, therefore i guarantee you it will change

i am sure there would be more updates to think of, but as of late my mind stops working after 10 pm, oh well.

peace friends. happy 2008