live simply. so others can simply live.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


“working” in the ministry, at a church, means that i am an employee of God. sometimes… i forget this. i find myself every sunday driving to church thinking about, whether my preschoolers have snacks, or if all of my teachers are going to show up, or think about all of the copies i have to make in the fifteen minutes before service starts. i do not come to church, i come to work. during the week, if i meet a new person and start talking about the usual things, school, status and occupation, i try not to say that i work at a church, because it really isn’t work. it’s passion. it’s God.

i forget to come, with the expectation of meeting Christ. i don’t think about the worship i will experience if i by chance get an opportunity to attend service, i do not think about how our pastor’s sermon will affect my day or week, and how God will affect my life. I need to come with exectation. And I need to come with hope... because hope is the absolute expectation of coming good.

peace and love to you.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

I feel like I face the same situation on a very regular basis. In my case, however, I went through a stretch for a few months where church felt ONLY like work to me, and I was having a very hard time treating it as a blessing instead of an inconvenience. PTL this has passed, but it was definitely an issue for a while. I'm glad that you see the real purpose in what you do.